Extreme H2O 54% Contacts. Extreme H2O 54% Contact Lenses. There are times when regular will do, but sometimes a situation requires something more. In cases like these, its time to go extreme. Typical contact lenses are fine for people who dont have issues with dry eyes, but if your contacts lose moisture too quickly it may be time to look elsewhere. After all, theres no sense in wearing contacts lenses that cant comfortably get you through the day. Fortunately, for those who need contacts that keep your eyes hydrated all day long, there are Extreme H2O 54% contact lenses by X-Cel Specialty Contacts . There are so many day-to-day activities that can dry eyes out, especially for those who wear contact lenses. Anyone who spends a lot of time looking at a computer screen or exposed to the elements is especially prone to dry-eye problems. Wearing contact lenses often exacerbates the issue, but not with Extreme H2O contacts. These lenses are made to combat eye dryness and keep eyes comfortable and healthy. Extreme H2O 54% are made from hioxifilcon D, which is a biocompatible substance. This means that these lenses work in harmony with eye tissue, holding onto moisture all day long and losing less than 3 percent of moisture over the course of a 12-hour day. This allows the lenses to remain as comfortable at the end of the day as they are at the beginning. Extreme H2O 54% are also highly breathable and with the material being non-ionic, these lenses are also resistant to deposits. Of course, hydration is not the only important aspect to consider when it comes to buying the perfect pair of contacts. Clarity and fit are two obvious factors for contact wearers to think about. Extreme H2O 54% contacts are crafted using a cast molded design. This process creates lenses that have a stable, consistent fit. In addition, they feature a tapered edge that adds to the comfort of the lens. Extreme H2O lenses come in two diameter options to ensure an optimal fit. With a 1-2 week replacement schedule, these weekly contact lenses should be worn daily and removed nightly for up to two weeks, after which they should be replaced with a new pair. If youre looking for a high-quality contact lens with a lot of cutting edge benefits, then Extreme H2O 54% may be the lens to try. As far as weekly contact lenses go, this one is high on the list of benefits. At we carry all the big names in weekly disposable contact lenses and we offer them for less. Browse our site and you are sure to find some amazing deals. With hassle-free returns, 100% money-back satisfaction, and quick shipping, you cant go wrong with purchasing your contact lenses from
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